Of Abstract

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Mr. Dibakar Pal

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Published: 13 March 2019 | Article Type :


Since abstract is not concrete, it suffers from plurality.Also it is enriched thereby pregnant with plural ideas. Abstract is alias and akin to obscure. It is ambiguous as well simultaneously. It dwells at the threshold between knowledge or beyond knowledge. From any abstract one may guess something of the whole that may or may not be correct. It is the store house of vague or baseless ideas. It reveals less suppresses more. As such abstract misguides more than to guide. It is tip of the iceberg. It is the tiny part of infinity.

Keywords: Abstract, thought, idea, abstruse, theory, art, extract, essence, summary

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How to Cite


Mr. Dibakar Pal. (2019-03-13). "Of Abstract." *Volume 2*, 1, 28-31